Magical girl interested in technology, philosophy, astronomy, cosmology, various other sciences, computer programming, etc. Perpetually tired.
Email me at Message me at on matrix.
A simple command line calculator tool written in C.
A little internet connected digital clock that runs on the ESP32 and displays the date and time on the LCD screen.
Tiny lightweight static site generator written in Python that uses markdown and liquid to generate a website.
A simple command line shell written in C.
A program to convert between different units of measurement written in C.
Quick action to remove the
flag from a .app bundle quickly and easily.
The key words "MUST (BUT WE KNOW YOU WON'T)", "SHOULD CONSIDER", "REALLY SHOULD NOT", "OUGHT TO", "WOULD PROBABLY", "MAY WISH TO", "COULD", "POSSIBLE", and "MIGHT" on this website are to be interpreted as described in RFC 6919.